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使用 eWallet服务可以很容易的创建一个账号。eWallet服务提供了一个在线钱包来存放你的比特币。 本指南会告诉你如何安装Bitcoin客户端,不需要任何一个第三方的电子钱包服务。
Windows 用户
下载 并且安装Bitcoin.
第一次运行Bitcoin, 它需要下载所有的blocks来进行配置。此时你已经有了biticoin地址,但是再初始化完成之前你还无法看到任何交易记录(这有可能需要半个小时到几个小时)。
下载 Bitcoin的OS X 版本并且解压
将Bitcoin图标拖拽到你所希望的安装位置,然后双击或者Cmd-O (⌘O)来运行应用。Bitcoin窗口将会打开并且连接将会在几分钟内开始。然后会开始下载blocks.你的地址和账户金额在窗口的上不。点击 "Copy to Clipboard" 来复制你的地址。交易记录会显示在主窗口。
Bitcoin当前还不支持通过Cmd-H (⌘H)隐藏,推荐用户使用在Preferences菜单中使用"Minimize on close"来防止程序意外退出。
Bitcoin Faucet website 目前正在派发给每个新比特比用户0.02 BTC. 填写你的bitcoin地址. 如果你想获得更多,请参看Buying bitcoins.
A new entry should appear in Bitcoin. The network hasn't yet confirmed it, but you know it's being processed. After about one hour it should get 6 confirmations. You are able to spend the coins when there is only one confirmation.
The confirmation counter (like the block counter) will increase by one roughly every 10 minutes. Six confirmations are considered as 100% sure a transfer has been processed.
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- Create an account on witcoin and post something (cost 0.01 BTC): (click "get wit it" to create an account)
If your post is any good, you can earn when it gets replies and votes. - Give a tip to a deserving artist, writer, etc. on
For instance, this video creation is worth 0.05 BTC, no?: - Give lady luck a shot?
Double Trouble (49% chance of doubling your money) - Give to any of the charities on Bitcoin Trade page:
- 你无须在线就能够接收比特币
- 你能够创任意多的新的地址。每次使用新的地址能够让你保持匿名性。
- 你的匿名性受到充分的安全保护
- 你无法发送比特币到一个无效的地址。地址输入错误也不用担心,因为本次支付将会被拒绝发送。
- 钱包文件保存着key,所以应当保护好你的计算机,防止丢失或被窃。
- 保持Bitcoin客户端开着能够改进网络的连接并且保障你不会掉落到block chain的后面。详细请参考the FAQ about port forwarding
Block chain
The block chain is a neverending story of every transaction throughout the network from day 1 (genesis). The first time you run Bitcoin, it is downloaded and verified on your computer. Every new transaction is added to the end of this chain and verified by the network to be valid.
Whenever you send a coin, you are actually sending a cryptographically signed message, associating your coin with the recipient's address. This effectively transfers ownership to to the recipient. Once they own the coin, they are free to transfer it to another person.
A wallet is a collection of addresses. You can create as many new addresses as you wish; having more addresses makes you more anonymous, because then people cannot see how much BTC you received. Your wallet contains the secret keys used for spending that money, and must be backed-up regularly. If you lose the wallet then you no longer possess the money.
New coins are minted through generating hashes. These generators are rewarded with a small fee for the computationally intensive task of incorporating your transactions into the block-chain. This fee halves each time 210000 blocks are added to the block chain, or approximately every 4 years. The fee will keep halving until it effectively reaches zero, at which point 21 million coins will be in circulation.