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2011年5月30日 (一) 07:46的版本





Common Questions about Blocks

How many blocks are there?

Current block count

What is the maximum number of blocks?

There is no maximum number, blocks just keep getting added to the end of the chain at an average rate of one every 10 minutes.

Even when all 21 million coins have been generated?

Yes. The blocks are for proving that transactions existed at a particular time. Transactions will still occur once all the coins have been generated, so blocks will still be created as long as people are trading Bitcoins.

How long will it take me to generate a block?

No-one can say exactly. There is a generation calculator that will tell you how long it might take.

What if I'm 1% towards calculating a block and...?

There's no such thing as being 1% towards solving a block. You don't make progress towards solving it. After working on it for 24 hours, your chances of solving it are equal to what your chances were at the start or at any moment.

It's like trying to flip 37 coins at once and have them all come up heads. Each time you try, your chances of success are the same.

Where can I find more technical detail?

There is more technical detail on the block hashing algorithm page.

See Also
